
Harvest is rapidly approaching, a season filled with measurements of a farmer’s success. Agriculture needs to look at yields in areas beyond the combines and choppers. One of those needing yield improvement is consumer understanding of agriculture. I’d encourage you to look at the millions of opportunities in social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Ning, et al) as a critical tool in improving perception measurements about the agrifood business. Why? (more…)

Why should you take the time to engage in social media?  It’s pretty simple; sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube give you the opportunity to reach millions.  These are tools that aren’t just for teenagers or techies; social media has become mainstream – and agriculture stands to be left behind if we don’t find our voice online. (more…)

Technology that increases productivity excites me, but I wasn’t one of the early adopters of social media.  Frankly, it seemed like a waste of time. However, when I saw a “movement” created online before the 2008 U.S. elections and learned that half of FaceBook users are older than college age, I decided social media was worth a second look.  Same goes with webinars; I’ve never been a huge fan, but have found the technology to be a great training tool to reach people across the world without requiring any of us the pain and cost of travel.  And, since piloting them in December, I’ve found webinars make even more sense when you need the users to be looking at a computer screen, such as training about social media. (more…)

Online communities-whether you call them social or marketing or time wasters-are the hottest commodity of 2008.  Whether we like it or not, online networks are here to stay-watch a Gen X or Yer and you’ll quickly see why.  It’s all about electronic connections, probably somewhat similar to the way older generations enjoy going down to the coffee shop for breakfast or Sunday afternoon visits-online communities just happens without eye contact. (more…)