February 2009

kelsayKelsay Farm, a modern dairy farm just south of Indianapolis, IN, has done an excellent job of helping more people understand food production. I recently asked Amy Kelsay to share her passion educating others about where their food originates.   As the first of several producer profiles, I am sharing our interview to showcase those who are championing agriculture on their farm.

Describe your farm tour business and why it started: Our family had been giving farm tours for over 30 years; however in 2005, I quit my job with Purdue Extension to stay home with our daughter and found myself becoming the tour coordinator for the farm! This is a role that I absolutely love! I especially love educating young people and I feel very blessed to have this opportunity to share our 6th generation family farm with them. It’s a perfect fit for me! (more…)

If you want to change the disheartening direction of animal rights influence over politicians, you have a choice. Complain or get involved.  Today you can take a simple step; as sign a petition to let the Obama administration know that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) do not represent the majority of Americans.    (more…)

Michigan State University, founded in 1855 as the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan, was the first land grant university in the United States. MSU’s agriculture program is highly respected around the world today and has graduated a number of major influencers in the agrifood system. The beautiful campus in East Lansing boasts hundreds of acres committed to farms, 45,000 plus students and a faculty dedicated to improving all facets of agriculture. (more…)