September 2008

Perhaps I’ve become a bit too focused on the rhetoric against animal agriculture, but there’s been too much discussion lately not to share.  I’m hoping my friends from the grain side of the business are in the field – but if not, please send examples from those claiming you’re poisoning the world with GMOs, pesticides, etc. and I’ll gladly add your information to the mix. (more…)

Are you concerned about the stability of U.S., leadership by elected officials and the country’s future?  If so, plan to vote on November 4 or surrender your right to complain.   My personal position on politics is to look for the best person for the job, regardless of party affiliation.   That remains true this election, but Obama’s affiliation with animal rights and connections with HSUS leaves me questioning what would happen with food production under Obama’s leadership. (more…)

Yesterday afternoon, pork producers around North America collectively shuddered with news of the latest video demonizing animal agriculture from PETA.  It’s important to understand that this hits below the belt for everyone in agriculture, whether you’re in the hog side or another sector. The video is shockingly graphic, grabs emotions and ends with a line referencing that any consumption of pork, ham, sausage or bacon supports the abuse of hogs like those portrayed in the video.  PETA also added words to the screen so viewers were sure to understand the extraordinarily derogatory language that was used. (more…)

It’s refreshing to find an article from outside of agriculture that actually focuses on the merits of understanding the food life cycle.  A school in New York gave me that breath of fresh air this morning with their response to the activists outcry to the school’s “Chicken Project.”  By way of reference, this is a town of around 12,000 people in the Finger Lakes region of New York – a strong agricultural area.  I’ve worked in the region enough to know there are radical activists who like to say nasty things about people who don’t agree with them. (more…)

Do you ever feel like decisions are based on over-sensationalized hysteria instead of science?  Many friends in agriculture have echoed that concern in our instant information culture.  Here’s your chance to encourage USDA to make science-based decisions; they have announced proposed rule for downer cow and are seeking feedback before September 29th.  See!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?contentidonly=true&contentid=2008/08/0218.xml for the details, including e-mail and snail mail addresses. (more…)