To tweet or not to tweet – therein lies the question. Twitter is the rage of the season and a headliner in most media outlets. Since Oprah began tweeting last month, Twitter moved to mainstream from early adopters.  Before you wave it off as youth fad, the numbers below tell you that people 35 and older are driving the success of Twitter as a business tool. According to ComScore, college age and teenagers are 12% less likely to tweet than middle agers. (more…)

What a week it’s been for the agrifood business to go on a wild ride with the national popular press. The ride started with Sunday’s edition (October 12) of Food Fights, the New York Times Magazine, with a reported circulation of 1.7 million. 

In a “Dear Mr. President-Elect” nine-page diatribe, Michael Pollan wrote “It may surprise you to learn that among the issues that will occupy much of your time in the coming years is one you barely mentioned during the campaign: food. Food policy is not something American presidents have had to give much thought to, at least since the Nixon administration — the last time high food prices presented a serious political peril…” (more…)

“Well, I feel like I got baptized in Vegan Land today.” said Oprah on her May 20 show, according to Farm Sanctuary who reports this show featured Kathy Freston, author of Quantum Wellness. Oprah announced that she has embarked on a 21-day cleanse that includes removing all animal products from her diet in her quest to be a “conscious eater.” Farm Sanctuary reports through its newsletter “This is BIG. So BIG, in fact, that we need you to show your support of Oprah’s choice to try an animal-free diet. Please join the discussion, or share your story on Oprah’s site.” There’s also a blog about Oprah’s experience. (more…)